
Custom caps for the people!

Collectors of bottle caps: beware. BottleMark has just changed the game.
Years ago when my husband Cameron first began homebrewing (and I was unknown to him...and underage...), he experimented with lots of batches at once, but he had no way to keep the different types straight in the fridge. Why not use custom-labeled caps? Wait, there's no such thing?

In this digital age, major brewing companies still make their bottle caps the old-fashioned way: lithography. Sure, it yields great results, but it comes with major start-up costs, charges more per color, and requires a minimum order of half a million or so. Not exactly in the reach of homebrewers, and even plenty of microbreweries don't sell enough to justify specialized caps for each of their brews. Crafters? Forget about it! And photos on bottle caps were simply unheard of.

Not anymore. A few weeks ago, BottleMark began waging a one-inch, crimped-metal revolution. No longer are caps the prerogative of fat cat corporate breweries. Now custom caps are for the people! With some cool technology and an online upload tool to customize your cap instantly, BottleMark's made cap creation easy. We're now printing anything on a bottle cap that you ask us to print. No minimum order, no color limits--no limits at all, really. Just wickedly awesome caps.

This blog will report from the front lines: I'll showcase the best of our custom orders and talk about craft ideas, news, and other various adventures in the now democratic world of crowns.

Viva la revolucion!  http://www.bottlemark.com

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