
Freedom! (And a Sale): Coming July 1st

Get excited. Monday, July 1, 2013 will be a truly historic day in the United States. After way too many years of prohibition-esque inanity, all fifty states (yes, even you, Mississippi!) will have explicit laws on the books permitting homebrewing. Brewer activists in Alabama and Mississippi have been hard at work for years to de-demonize a hobby many in their states were pursuing anyway despite the illegal status. This legislative session, they finally met with success in both states.

To celebrate this watershed moment for our favorite avocation, BottleMark will have a One-Day Celebration Sale: 10% off orders of 50 custom caps or more on July 1. That's one cap in honor of each state! For we are about to become the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brew.

Check back first thing on July 1 for the special coupon code.

I may disagree with your beer, but I will defend to the death your right to brew it.


2 Years and Growing

BottleMark officially turns two today!
And we're (ahem) pretty excited about it.

We're very busy printing caps and destroying cakes today, but we wanted to take the time out to invite you to celebrate with us. So we'll let you in on a little secret...

Yellow Labs: Coming Soon
SHHH! It's a secret to everybody.


Adam and Jodi's Save the Dates

While we hope not to get a lot of repeat business from them, brides and grooms love our custom bottle caps. For the wedding of Adam and Jodi at the Jester King Brewery (located in the nonpareil Texas Hill Country), nothing suited better than a bottle cap logo, and some bottle caps to go with it!

Here's their save-the-date magnet bottle caps alongside their invitation.

And here's the happy couple!

Check out all of Adam and Jodi's gorgeous wedding porn in Jodi's "Tasty Touring" blog post here:
Tasty Touring: Our Texas Hill Country Wedding

You don't want to miss the sandwich collage. Trust me.